Episode 3: Beth Meets the Earth Lady, Izolda Trakhtenberg


About Izolda Trakhtenberg:

Born in Moldova, Izolda learned how to communicate in multiple languages through a year-long immigration process. Today, Izolda facilitates workshops that help people tap into and master their leadership, creativity, and communication skills. She worked as an educator for the National Geographic Society. Later, she traveled the world as a NASA trainer. Additionally, she is the author of five books, including, Speak From Within, Engage, Inspire, and Motivate Any Audience. She is also the host of the Tell Your Story Better podcast. Izolda, her husband, and their dog and two cats live in Maryland, USA.

Connect with Guest:

Instagram: @IzoldaT

Twitter: @IzoldaT

LinkedIn: IzoldaT

Facebook: @IzoldaTSpeaker

Tell Your Story Better Podcast: https://izoldat.com/tysb/