Episode 36: Flying Along with Captain Mark Hardcastle

Beth Meets Airline Captain Mark Hardcastle and learns:

  • How the air force academy put Mark on the path to a future in aviation.

  • What’s Mark’s favorite plane? (It’s the Cadillac of planes)…

  • Mark explains “The magic of the 4th stripe.”

  • How do we respond when things challenge us? Mark’s got 60+ years of inspirational stories he’s gathered and shares both on stage and in his book, The Symphony of Your Life– Restoring Harmony When Your World is Out of Tune

“I’ve been working since I was 11 years old (as a bus buy) and I’ve never enjoyed my work more than I do now as a captain. I look forward to coming to work every day, it’s just that cool of a gig!”

Mark Hardcastle

About Mark:


Mark graduated from the USAF Academy in 1982. After nine years as a pilot on active duty including multiple combat missions during the Persian Gulf War, he left the military to join a commercial airline. In addition to flying B-737s around the country, Hardcastle spends time in the Rocky Mountains and serves on the artistic staff of the Colorado Children’s Chorale. He lives in Centennial, Colorado, with his wife and four children.

About how Mark’s book came about:

Mark Hardcastle recognized years ago that patterns were developing around events in his life. Sometimes it was good stuff; often not-so-good. But in the end, everything always seemed to work out.

Was that just a matter of chance? Or was it something he could rely on?

After several years of journaling about that reality, Mark broke his neck in a mountain biking accident near Moab, UT. An event like that has the effect of powerfully focusing one's attentions, and today he travels around the country inspiring groups of all sizes to lives that aren’t over-complicated.

He teaches us to use 3 simple steps to create significance in our lives, then he shares the glue that holds it all together!

His book, The Symphony of Your Life – Restoring Harmony When Your World is Out of Tune, is a 3-time 1st-place CIPA award winner, and it’s available in print at Amazon.com or in your favorite e-book format.

Where to find Mark: