136: Jesse Forte Invites You to Say YES

Jesse Forte Invites You to Say YES


Jesse Forte was NOT originally scheduled to be on the M4 Lunares X team. A crew member that could not attend the mission left an opening for a new, “first-time” analog astronaut to come and participate in our lunar simulation this July. Enter Jesse Forte, who said YES to this opportunity, and joined the crew with all the positive energy one could ever ask for- as he often does. On today’s episode, Jesse invites you to do the same- to say YES to the interesting events that come across your path. He’ll tell us how (an incredible vision board) and what’s next for this inventor, author, musician, creator, entrepreneur, and now- analog astronaut, Jesse Forte. 

Where to find Jesse and all his work- 



Listen to the M4 Music Album Here: https://linktr.ee/JFORTE


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